Prima Conferenza Virtuale Internazionale sul Counseling Scolastico Comparato


The International Society for Policy Research and Evalutation in School-Based Counseling



Prima Conferenza Virtuale Internazionale sul Counseling Scolastico Comparato

Comparative School Counseling International Virtual Conference

22 - 25 March 2021

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are very excited because March is just around the corner and with it the first ever International Virtual Conference on Comparative School Counseling.

As a virtual Conference the event will help gather you and other participants from all over the world from the comfort of your own sofa. Do not miss the opportunity to interact with your colleagues, to be part of the establishing of a new comparative research field that could be called Comparative School Counseling Studies and to take part in constructive discussions.

Apart from the scientific value, the conference will bring to you opportunity to share moments of excitement, some games and a few surprises!

Hurry up and join us!

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You can find more details on our website here and you can register here:

Bulgarian Comparative Education Society (BCES)

Comparative School Counseling International Virtual Conference, 22-25 March 2021    


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